Customer services

Služby store
Našim produktom dávame doživotnú záruku

Continuous development

The only step ahead is to keep up with constant developments. It's funny, but we enjoy it. We are a developers .

Dozivotna záruka

Lifetime warranty

The software products from our production get a lifetime guarantee. If you are our customer, we will always support you.

Spolupráca sa partnermi

Open for collaboration

Systems are complicated, customers are demanding, and we know we can do more together. We support many software products and hardware from different manufacturers.

Podpora produktov

For each customer we provide 24/7/365 support

Solution design

we consider one of the most important parts of the work itself. We're trying to figure out how you work, how your team works, what all your business involves. It is important for us to know how you imagine the ideal case for your implementation of our product.

We'd like to know your idea as if it were possible to do anything. The result is the agreed work design.


We can move forward the design of the work. We perform an internal analysis of requirements and their time requirements. Set priorities so we can work for you. That's why you can start earning our product as soon as possible.

Our practices

We are glad if the cooperation with us is active. Easily it can happen that you had a week ago little priority is suddenly urgent. For these cases, there is a reserved person who can immediately start working on them. The rest of the team continues without disturbing.

Maintaining quality

We produce automated software tests for products to ensure simple next implementation.